Everybody in this day of age should own a computer as it makes your everyday work so much easier, providing its facilities in the form of different applications making your work way more accessible. For example, if you want to have a journal of things or a list, Microsoft Excel will make your list much more polished, refined, and better organized.
There are so many computer applications that we may get lost about what to download or which one to use for our work as there are many of them, and one might be more efficient than the other. Nevertheless, if you know your way around it, you can make your work more accessible if you know which applications to use. However, there might be many people who have just built their computers but do not know which apps to download for their work and are currently having a difficult time finding them. So we have made a list of apps which every computer user must have to make their computer experience the best as possible.
If you were affiliated with a computer a couple of years ago, you would know that listening to songs was challenging and painful as they needed to be imported in the form of mp3. This is not the case anymore as music streaming services have come in, making it the easiest to listen to songs on your computer without purchasing them physically or digitally. Even though many other competitors in the market, Spotify is the best one among them available for Windows.
In this day and age, we don’t usually watch videos on youtube as it has quickly become the best video-watching platform out there. But sometimes, we may download a movie or any local video and watch it separately. For this case, VLC media player is the best app to watch it in as it has a fantastic range of features, and you can play any video in any format out there, making it the best media player available for Windows.
Windows already has an integrated app for file management, but if you are looking for the best application out there, it must be 7-Zip. This app can quickly do everything from file compression and extraction as it has all the features you would ever need and installs very quickly and doesn’t interfere with your work.
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Any app, video, or file you want to download or watch cannot be obtained without a browser. There are a lot of browsers in the market, but the best among them is Google Chrome. This browser has everything you could ever dream of in a browser. From a good download manager to a wide range of extensions, with low RAM consumption, it looks modern than any other browser, and it is the best browser that supports video streaming apps the most like Youtube, Netflix, etc. It is also the fastest browser globally and has a range of customizable options that you can select according to your liking.
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